
Article Writing Guidelines

  1. Eligibility Criteria
    • Word Limit: 1000+ words
    • Zero tolerance for Plagiarism (Use: Grammarly) and spun content (Use: Spin Me Not)
    • The article must be structured and divided into sections: Introduction, 2-3 headings in the body, and Conclusion, which must have 3-5 key takeaways in bullet points.
    • The article must be comprehensive and have a flow and story to engage readers. (Use: Hemingway Editor)
    • A unique topic that should add value to the community
    • The article must have use cases/applications or code based, not too theoretical.
    • Add references in your article.
  2. Images
    • Minimum no. of images: 4
    • The size of all images should be 600X300, resize if necessary
    • Images must be centrally aligned and from authentic sources
    • While taking screenshots of the images, avoid giving EXTRA white space, as it disturbs the aesthetics of the article
    • Add ALT Text to the images
    • Source of images to be mentioned in the below format and centrally aligned: Source: Research Gate
  3. Formatting
    • The title must be catchy and crisp (read here for tips)
    • The headings must be title case in H2 & H4
    • Give proper spacing between the paragraphs and avoid EXTRA spaces.
    • Avoid keeping big chunks of text in BOLD and don’t underline the text.
    • The questions must be in the H2 heading and numbered in case of interview questions articles.
    • Interview questions must be in H2/ title case headings.
    • If adding a list, it must be sequentially numbered.
    • If unordered list, then bullets
    • Codes must be added as preformatted text and NOT images/ screenshots.
    • Use: Read Aloud on MS Word to listen to the mistakes that you might have overlooked.
  4. Not Accepting the Below Topics
    • Linear Regression
    • Logistic Regression
    • K-Means
    • LSTMs
    • Face Detection
  5. Strict No’s
    • Articles on already published topics with no unique factor won’t be shortlisted.
    • Marketing collateral, customer testimonials, or posts that visibly promote a product/service/company/individual will be rejected.
    • No external links in the article will be allowed to promote certain products or services.
    • An article published on our website becomes an intellectual property of Analytics Vidhya. However, the author is responsible for the authenticity of the content and image. Thus, if you wish to reuse or refer to it in your content, please seek permission from the editorial team.
    • Analytics Vidhya strictly prohibits the promotion of plagiarized or AI-generated content. If your submitted content is plagiarized or AI-generated, it won't be considered for publishing.

In case of queries or concerns, connect with us at editor@analyticsvidhya.com

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